writer. poet. speaker.

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Good Bodies Blog

Holy Manual Labor!
One sweltering day last summer I locked myself in a back bedroom at a friend’s lake house. While she watched my kids (thank you!!), I spoke on the phone with an old college friend who started a bakery. We talked about the spiritual significance of ordinary, physical tasks; the theology of bread; the ways American […]
Holy Embodiment Tip #1 and Some News
Happy New Year!!!! (We still say that this many days into 2025, right? OK cool.) In January, a lot of us are reexamine our relationships with our bodies – be it eating, working out, sleeping, or getting a handle on depression and anxiety (Seasonal Affect Disorder, anybody?) Yet a lot of us see no connection […]

Latest Works

The struggle to hold it together when church falls apart

Christianity Today

Recapturing delight for the exhausted spiritual leader

Christianity Today

Embodied ways to love after being hurt in “Breakfast by the Sea of Galilee”

Ekstasis Magazine

The Maker of moutain lions and my new mom legs gets us up the mountainside

Story Warren

Lent in Seoul during Covid forces us to give up community

Christianity Today

Christ calls us all to spiritual mothering

Christianity Today

Ten tips for backpacking with a toddler


An interview with Mission Poet Alejandro Murgia on fighting gentrification with poetry, and maybe arson

Roads & Kingdoms

Vacation in Bali takes an unexpected turn. To rides the elephant or not?

Story Warren

“You love from scars with a stillness of self
that has heard
The clatter of altar sticks
before the thicket bleats.”